
Effective Chinese treatment "4" + "7"

At us in Beijing tongshantang Specialized Nephrological Clinic the program treatment "4" + "7" is used in the treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Well, what is effective Chinese treatment "4" + "7"?
"4" means herbal infusions, a mixture of Mai Kang, an external compress and therapeutic foot baths. They promote and triple broths can repair damaged cells and kidney tissues, and a mixture of Mai Kang, an external compress and therapeutic foot baths can speed up blood circulation, relieve blood stasis and improve the immune system.
"7" means fumigation, fermentation, therapeutic baths for the whole body, Quan therapy, acupuncture, osmotherapy and enema. These 7 methods are an external compress, and they overcome the shortcomings of boiled herbs.
How to treat CKD with the help of treatment "4" + "7"?
On multi-year clinical treatment and research, "4" + "7" can expand blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation, remove waste and toxins from the body, repair damaged cells and kidney tissues, restore the filter system, improve kidney function and strengthen the immune system.

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