Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by severe proteinuria, severe edema,
hyperlipidemia and hypoproteinemia. Usually, steroids are used in nephrotic
syndrome to relieve the symptoms and to monitor the condition. However,
long-term steroid taking causes different side effects. In this article, we will
say that Chinese medicine treats a nephrotic syndrome without steroids.
Why Does Swelling Relapse In Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome can be caused by immune reactions, inflammatory reactions
and certain kidney diseases. Hormones help alleviate the disease, but after a
decrease in the dose of hormones or the loss of hormones, the nephrotic syndrome
recurs. Well, how does Chinese medicine treat nephrotic syndrome?
In Chinese medicine, the kidneys are treated with treatment programs: Micro
Chinese medicine Osmotherapy + Mai Kang mix + therapeutic foot baths or for the
whole body + decoctions.
Swelling Disappears In Nephrotic Syndrome
Mixture of Mai Kang:
A mixture of Mai Kang can balance Blood and Qi, accelerate blood circulation,
provide necessary nutrients, repair damaged cells and kidney tissues, restore
kidney function.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy:
Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy can expand blood vessels, relieve ischemia
and hypoxia, repair damaged kidneys, restore the filter system, improve kidney
function, suppress inflammation and infections in the kidneys, remove immune
complexes and improve kidney function.
Can Blood in Urine Get Cured in Nephrotic Syndrome with Natural Treatment
If you have any questions about nephrotic syndrome, then leave us a message
below or directly chat with our online doctor and we will answer you at the
first time.