
How Can I Reduce Creatinine 4.9 and Urea 147 Without Dialysis?

Today, an increasing number of people contract kidney disease due to several factors. And they will suffer from high creatinine and urea level. In order to live a high quality life, nobody wants to take dialysis. How can they reduce creatinine 4.9 and urea 147 without dialysis?

Both high creatinine 4.9 and urea 147 indicate that the kidneys have been damaged. Since the kidneys have the ability to control the amount of body fluid, electrolyte concentrations such as sodium and potassium, and the acid-base balance of the body. They filter waste products of the body's metabolism, such as urea from protein metabolism and uric acid from the breakdown of DNA.
What Can We Do to Avoid Dialysis with Creatinine 4
However, when your kidneys are damaged, they can not properly filter waste products such as urea and the body's creatinine, a large amount of toxins and waste products will accumulate in the blood.

Your body needs clean blood to function optimally. The best method to reduce your creatinine level and your urea level is to treat the underlying cause. It does not repair these damaged kidney tissues, much less improves kidney function.
Can Creatinine 4.3 Come Down to A Normal Range on Treatment
In Beijing Tongshantang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the experts will take a series of natural therapies based on traditional Chinese medicine to lower the high creatinine and treat the tissues of the kidney fundamentally. The toxins of systematic elimination of treatment will be taken to achieve the above objectives through the dilation of the blood vessels, improve blood circulation, degrading the extracellular matrix, and the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the kidney lesions. In this way, improvement of renal function can decrease creatinine 4.9 and natural and effective urea 147 down.
How To Control High Creatinine Level 4.8 With Best Method
What are you looking for the alternative of dialysis to lower creatinine levels? Are you interested in treatment elimination toxins? If so, please consult the doctor online or whatsapp +8615512139310 directly, or you can leave the message below or send the email to tsthospital@hotmail.com. We will do our best to help you.



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