
Do we need to go to dialysis with Creatinine 7?

It seems that high creatinine levels have become the only indicator of dialysis in most countries for patients with kidney disease. However, this option is incorrect and dialysis is no longer the only option for patients.
How does creatinine 7 mean for patients with kidney disease?
Creatinine 7, in the clinic, means that patients have been in stage 4 Renal impairment, in which there are too many toxic substances and waste products deposited in the body. They will also induce some symptoms or complications such as nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, etc.
Why Do I Feel Bad After Dialysis
But the symptoms or complications are different from patient to patient. We do not ensure that all patients with elevated creatinine levels should receive dialysis. It depends on your specific disease condition. But all you have to do is take a treatment that repairs your damaged kidneys and protects the residual kidney function.
What treatment can help reduce creatinine 7 and prevent dialysis?
To some degree, dialysis is not the best treatment for patients with kidney failure to reduce elevated creatinine levels and repair damaged kidneys if you still have urine production.
Can I Get Off Dialysis
In Beijing Tongshang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy, medicinal foot bath, medicinal full bath, enema therapy, moxbusticon therapy, circle therapy, steam therapy, acupuncture therapy and other Chinese medicine treatments can help him.
First they can purify contaminated blood to remove these impurities from the blood and kidney cells, then Chinese medicines can play their role effectively to repair damaged cells and tissues of the kidney and improve kidney functions by enlarging blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory coagulation, degradation of the extracellular matrix and offer enough nutrients and oxygen to the kidneys.
Can Dialysis Be Stopped With High Creatinine Level 4
Some of the therapies are used externally without any discomfort for the patients. While kidney function improves, creatinine 7 can be reduced naturally and fundamentally. In this way, dialysis will no longer be necessary.
Do you have high creatinine levels in kidney disease? Are you looking for dialysis alternatives to restore kidney function and improve quality of life? If so, you can try systematic treatments of Chinese medicine. For more information, you can contact us with the following contacts:

Whatsapp: +8615512139310




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