
Do you have to wait for death with chronic renal failure ?

Chronic renal failure (CRF) is an untreated kidney disease and threatens the lives of patients. And almost all patients with chronic renal failure worry about life expectancy. Well, with CRN, you have to wait for death with your hands folded?
Patients with CRF should not give up their lives, because there are different treatment methods to improve kidney function and to continue life.
First, it is necessary to learn about the causes of death of a patient with CRF. This is the cause of death, it is necessary to pay attention to severe complications, and usually CKD causes death mediocre, that is, its complications and symptoms threaten life, for example, cardiovascular diseases, nervous disease, respiratory illness, etc. What to do with CRF? How to prolong life and improve the quality of life?
1, To follow a diet:
With CRF, a balanced diet with a restriction is needed to alleviate discomforts, reduce the burden on the kidneys and preserve the remaining kidney function. Usually you need to limit protein, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and fat, while at the same time choose high-quality protein.
2, Get used to a healthy lifestyle:
In order to maintain kidney function and prevent further damage to the kidneys, a healthy lifestyle is needed, for example, not to drink or smoke, enough to rest.
3, Repair and repair damaged kidney:
Although we do not do anything for dead cells, but we can repair damaged cells and tissues and strengthen the health of healthy cells. At us in China in Shijiazhuang Specialized Nephrological Clinic the program Chinese treatment is conducted and here I mean Micro-Chinese medicine Osmoterapiyu. Osmotherapy is very helpful in improving kidney function and restoring the filter system.
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