
Can I Avoid End Stage Renal Failure with Creatinine 2.8

One of my friend told me he was told to have creatinine 2.8 and is worried about his kidney. We all know dialysis or kidney transplant will be the last two options once end stage renal failure is caused, so he is eager to know if he can avoided end stage renal failure with creatinine 2.8. As for his question, I told him “Yes, you have a great chance to avoided end stage renal failure as long as you get your kidney problem treated fundamentally”.
Elevated creatinine level is used to measure kidney function, as the level of it in blood is kept in a stable range with the help of kidney, so once kidneys are affected, creatinine level will increase. In clinic, reference value of serum creatinine is different for children, female and male, but generally it fluctuates in the range 0.5-1.3mg/dL. Serum creatinine 2.8 is much higher than the normal range, which means kidney function has been affected badly. Under such a condition, treating kidney damage becomes extremely important for preventing end stage renal failure.
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Since an effective treatment for kidney disease is the key point to control creatinine level and preventing end stage renal failure, it is necessary for people with high creatinine level to learn how to treat kidney problem fundamentally:
1. Firstly, founding out the root cause of kidney damages and treating primary illness actively
Chronic Kidney Disease can be primary or secondary. For these with secondary kidney problem, it is necessary for them to know well about the root cause of kidney problem and then take corresponding measures. Only when primary illness is controlled effectively, can further kidney damages are avoided and illness condition be stopped from progressing.
2. Tightly control all the symptoms
Common symptoms of kidney problems include high blood pressure, hematuria, proteinuria and so on. Although these clinical manifestation occur due to kidney damages, they in turn worsen kidney condition and accelerate illness condition. For this reason, having a tight control of symptoms is very beneficial for preventing end stage renal failure.
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3. Try to improve kidney function
Chronic Kidney Failure can not be cured, but some kidney intrinsic cells which are damaged mildly can be repaired with the help of some medicines like micro-Chinese medicine. Improvement of kidney function is the key point for people whose creatinine level has increased to 2..8 to lower their creatinine level effectively.
4. Make your diet beneficial for your health
For kidney disease patients, a beneficial diet usually refers to low-salt diet, low-protein diet, low-potassium, low-phosphorus, high-calcium diet and high vitamin diet.



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