
Why After Dialysis the Blood Pressure Agrees on Higher and How to Treat It

Why after dialysis does blood pressure agree on higher and how to treat it? In fact, most patients with kidney failure may experience things like this, high blood pressure or high creatinine level after dialysis, but few of them know the reasons.
Why after dialysis does blood pressure agree in the highest?
The causes of after the dialysis the blood pressure agrees in higher there are several.
1.The increase in blood volume.
2. Increase in renin and angiotensin secretion.
3. Application of erythropoietin (EPO).
4. Generation of vasoactive substances.
So once you have high blood pressure after dialysis, it is best to inform your doctor immediately that it is useful for the treatment of your disease.
How to treat it blood pressure can be high after dialysis?
The most common way is to find out the underlying causes of the same and make some corresponding measures with the help of your doctor, another is to find some alternative therapies of dialysis, can help you to live better without dialysis. Here I recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine osmotherapy to you, which is a perfect combination of Chinese medicine and Western medicine. With the help of this therapy, high blood pressure and other symptoms can be well controlled with improved renal function.

If you want to know more about kidney disease, you can send the email to liufuqin818@gmail.com or you can leave the message directly, our doctor online can offer you many help with everything possible.



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