
Kidney Damage Caused by the Cyst Enlargement

A significant number of patients suffering from Polycystic Kidney Disease will experience kidney damage eventually due to the cyst enlargement. Whether the kidney damage caused by the cyst enlargement can be cured mainly depends on whether patients make the size of cysts controlled and whether they receive effective treatment actively in the early stage of the damage.
What is Kidney Damage?
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Simply, kidney damage refers to the damage to kidney tissues, which can be classified into mild kidney damage, severe kidney damage and very severe kidney damage.
To some extent, kidney damage, especially severe and very severe kidney damage will be accompanied by the decline of kidney function.
How Does the Cyst Enlargement Cause Kidney Damage?
The countless cysts in kidneys will grow with age and then they will cause the compression on the surrounding tissues, traction on the pedicle of the kidney, and distension of the renal capsule. Gradually, the kidney damage may occur.
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Besides, if the cysts grow big enough to rupture, the kidney damage will occur.
How to Repair Kidney Damage?
It is apparent that it is the cyst enlargement that causes kidney damage. Consequently, patients should try to restrain the growth of the cysts and shrink the size of the cysts so as to prevent the further damage of cyst enlargement to the kidneys. After the cysts shrink, the kidney damage can be repaired.
To achieve the goal of shrinking the size of cysts and repairing the kidney damage, Chinese herbal medicines can help. Though the exact reason for the countless cysts is unknown, we know it is the fluid excreted by the cells on cyst wall that forms the cysts. In this condition, what Chinese herbal medicines should do is to inactivate the cells on cyst wall. If so, the fluid will not be excreted and then the cysts will not form.
Apart from helping shrink the size of the cysts, Chinese herbal medicines can repair the kidney damage by improving ischemia and anoxia, promoting the blood circulation, eliminating inflammation and lessening kidney burden.
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All in all, the kidney damage caused by the cyst enlargement is more likely to be treated. Patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease are recommended to make their disease treated as early as possible so as to get a good prognosis.
Any question, you can consult us on our website for free. Or email pkdclinic888@hotmail.com



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